

par | Sep 21, 2022




Start of Installation





Technical Installation

In Brunssum, Mijnwater B.V. is building a circular energy system for the residential complexes of the Weller B.V. housing corporation. Thanks to the heating and cooling network of Mijnwater, the connected houses are not only heated without natural gas, but also cooled. The new energy cellars in Brunssum supply three residential districts Tarcisius, Oude Egge, and Pastor Savelbergstraat with a total of 200 homes with sustainable energy. The double energy cellar is fed from a heat and cold storage (CHP), and then also exchanges energy between the various complexes.

Total surface served

17 960 m²

Amount of connections


Type of consumers


Heat sources

Geothermal well + heatpumps

Cooling sources

Geothermal well 


Blueprints and technical datas

Length of Network

10 843 m

Heating Capacity

692 kW


Annual Heating Demand

1 130 MWh

Cooling Capacity

268 kW

Annual Cooling Demand

187 MWh

5GDHC Principles


For Mijnwater, the novel and challenging activity is to start developing separate island solutions, that should later become part of two separate clusters of a new Brunssum heating and cooling network.


Thermal storage will be provided from an aquifer doublet at the Tarcisius site, and one at Noorderkroon. This is enough to enable energy exchange between different points in time, but not quite enough to guarantee all peak demand, and regeneration of the aquifer source. Hence the temporary deployment of air-source heatpump installations.


The island solutions being built are naturally demand-driven, as they must serve the local area. The Thermal Energy Plant at Tarcisius will serve 200 dwellings, in three clusters, in local neighbourhood. The grid connections to the dwellings will separately deliver heating and cooling, using a 4-pipe system for the local area.

For more information,
please visit the project website